Con tu cuenta Remesita incluimos una VPN para mejorar la aceptación de tu tarjeta en compras en línea.
All the information you need to know to use this service.
General information to operate with your desicant wallet. Features and benefits.
Payment of services: Electricity and Etecsa.
Frequently asked questions from our clients.
Important information about identity verification in Remesita.
Types of cards available in Remesita.
Ways to send and request money through Remesita.
Useful information you should know.
Find out how the Remesita referral system works and enjoy the benefits.
Payment methods available in Remesita: Paypal, Wise, Zelle, SPEI, Bitcoin, Bizum, Iban, etc.
All the information you need to boost your business with Remesita.
The parcel service is provided by our business partner WeShipYou.
In these articles you will find videos and tutorials with the step by step to recharge your Remesita Card.
Configure platforms such as AirBnB, Paypal, Workana and others to receive payments in your account.