If you have not registered in Remesita, it will ask you to do so, it is important that you know that you must have your valid passport to be able to apply for the remittance card.
Fill out the fields with the information requested, Name and surname, cell phone number and email.
Choose whether the card will be for yourself or someone else.
In the next section, choose if you want a physical or digital card.
Continue filling in the information they ask for, add your address and s If you have been referred by someone from Remesita, enter their code to continue or click next.
Read the terms and conditions carefully and accept them.
At this point the application for your card is complete.. You will receive information in your email with your application number. Read all the information you received.
We must interview you to find out how you will use the card, as well as provide you with information that will help you better understand its functionalities.
In this video you can see the step by step: https://youtu.be/1c4Gavcyx08?si=6YzjBAL53Ag_ciuL Je suis heureux de vous rencontrer.