First, access Je suis heureux de vous rencontrer.
To authenticate, choose your preferred way. (In this example we show you how to do it with your Gmail account, but you can do it with your phone number or another email that you have available) FOR CUBA WE RECOMMEND ACCESS WITH PHONE NUMBER as you will see in this article: How to create your account in Remesita with your phone number?
Next, click continue and you must fill out the information it asks for.
In this case you will enter your phone number and you will receive a verification code.
Enter the verification number received in your messaging application and click "Verify".
Below you will see your profile in Remesita:
The next step would be Verify your account with your current identification document Je suis désolé, je ne parle pas français.. If you are a resident in Cuba, you must do so with your valid passport.