🎁 Send from 100 usd and give Mom GIGAS, SMS AND MINUTES.
Validity Period
May 12, 2023. 11:59 AM - May 14, 2023. 11:00 PM
Promotion Terms
📌 REMESITA.COM offers you free SMS, gigabytes and minutes in REMITTANCES to CUBA!!! In all remittance shipments to Cuba from 100 usd, you have the opportunity to give GIGAS, SMS and MINUTES to Mom.
✅ Terms and Conditions of this promotion:
- Applicable for all clients who send remittances to Cuba from 100 usd.
- Applicable only for the product recharge of cuban cards mlc.
- When creating the order you must select the relationship: mother/father.
- Available from May 12, 2023 until the end of 05/14/2023, Cuba time.
Je suis heureux de vous rencontrer. 🥳 GOOD DAY OF THE MOTHERS!!!