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How to pay REMESITA with BIZUM from Spain?

After generating your order on our REMESITA.COM website, you will receive the PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS via email in which you will be able to obtain the data and information necessary to execute the payment quickly and safely by following a few simple steps.

STEP 1: You must take into account that the payment is made in a referenced manner, for which you must attach the order number (RMxxxxxx) associated with your payment in the comments of your transaction.

STEP 2: Create a new contact on your phone with the number and name of the account to which you will make the payment, indicated in your INSTRUCTIONS previously sent by REMESITA.

STEP 3: Access your BIZUM APP or your BANK's APP and select a new transfer, adding the previously saved contact as a recipient, or simply choose to transfer to a new recipient and add it from the same APP (depending on your case).

STEP 4: Send the exact amount requested, which you can see in the PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS sent to your email.

STEP #5: In the transaction comment write the reference number of your order (RMxxxx) previously received in the PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS sent to your email.

STEP #6: Send us the proof of payment by taking a screenshot of your transaction and attaching it to the PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS previously sent by us and wait for the confirmation notification from REMESITA.COM.

Last update: Sep 29, 2022

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